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Whole School Newsletter - 12-07-2024

12th July 2024
Written by Gill Lee


Friday 12th July 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

The themes of this week have been equality and resilience. Helping our students to become more resilient is a key part of ensuring they become independent. 

Mobile Phone free school

Most students have adapted really well to our new mobile phone policy which is having a significant impact across the school. There are, however, a few students who do not bring bags to school which makes it difficult for them to store their mobile phone away securely. Please can you support the important message that all students should have a school bag with them. This is a key part of them being equipped and ready to learn. If any families have a specific issue with bags, please let us know so we can support.


Beauty and the Beast

This week we ran four performances of Beauty and the Beast. The show has been a huge success and I am extremely grateful to all our families for their support with this. I would also like to thank Ms Milton and Ms Colmer and all the staff involved in putting on this fabulous event. The feedback we have received has been outstanding and reflects the hard work and commitment of the whole team.

I am extremely proud of our very talented students who have exceeded all expectations in their individual performances which have been exceptional. There is already great excitement about planning for next year’s show so watch this space!


Free School Meals

If you are on a low income and meet the eligibility criteria you can make an application for Free School Meals which could entitle you to a School Essentials Grant payment plus additional funding for our school.

Applications can be made online via the Newport City Council website. Paper forms are also available upon request.


ELIGIBILITY – Pupils will be eligible for a Free School Meal and a School Essentials Grant if parents/carers are in receipt of one of the following benefits:

  • Income Support or Income Based Jobseekers Allowance
  • Income Related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Child Tax Credit (annual income must be less than £16,190 for the household)
  • Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Universal Credit, provided the household has an annualised net earned income of no more than £7,400.
  • NOTE: if you are in receipt of Working Tax Credit, you will NOT be eligible to receive Free School Meals or a School Essentials Grant

If anyone needs any support with applying for Free School Meals, please let us know.

Even if you receive Universal Primary Free Schools Meals, more help could be available! If eligible, you can get up to £200 per child for School Essentials, plus extra funding for our school. Check eligibility: www.gov.wales/get-help-school-costs


School dates

We break up for the summer holidays on Friday 19th July 2024.

The new Autumn term starts on Monday 2nd September 2024 which is an INSET day.

Year 7 will start with us on Tuesday 3rd September 2024. Please note there will be school tasks set on Teams for students in Years 8-11 to complete remotely on Tuesday 3rd.

Years 8-11 & Year 13 will start with us on Wednesday 4th September 2024.

Year 12 lessons will be starting on Monday 9th September 2024. Further details about KS5 will be shared with all families by Mrs James.


The INSET dates for next year are as follows;

  1. Monday 2nd September 2024
  2. Monday 25th November 2024
  3. Friday 7th March 2025
  4. Friday 27th June 2025
  5. Monday 30th June 2025
  6. Monday 21st July 2025


I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our families for your continued support.

With kind regards

Mrs Lee