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Whole School Newsletter - 13-09-2024

13th September 2024
Written by Gill Lee

Friday 13th September 2023


Dear Parents and Carers,


New after school bike club at Newport High School


I am pleased to inform you that we are working with Momentwm, a not-for-profit organisation that supports residents in Newport to be more active through cycling.

We are setting up a bike club every Wednesday at Newport high School from 3pm-4pm. This is open to parents and students who want to become more confident riding a bike and are keen to learn the basics of bike maintenance.

We are hoping to start this on Wednesday 25th September.

If you would like to take part, please complete the enrolment form by following this link


If you wish to take part, please could you complete the above form by Monday 16th September so we can establish the level of interest and plan appropriately.


Shrek the Musical


I am delighted that this year, our whole school production is Shrek the Musical. This will take place in the summer term. The first rehearsal took place this week and the singing sounded fantastic.

Following on from the success of last year’s Beauty and the Beast, we want this to be our biggest and best show ever and would welcome any students who are interested in taking part to come along to next week’s rehearsal. If any students wish to find out more about the show and what it entails please speak to Miss Milton, Mrs Akhtar Matthews or Miss Colmer.



Uniform and equipment

I am pleased that so many of our students have started this term in correct uniform, looking really smart. Thank you to all our parents and carers who have supported our school uniform rules.  Just a reminder our uniform is plain black shoes/trainers, black socks, white shirt and the school tie. Skirts must be of appropriate length and trousers or shorts should be tailored fit. Students are not allowed to wear sports shorts or leggings to school.  

Cardigans, jumpers and blazers are optional and students can choose to wear a plain black knitted v neck jumper or cardigan without the logo, or purchase the Newport High branded jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan. As it gets colder students need a coat so please can this have their name inside as every year we have a significant number lost!

We have a range of ‘pre-loved’ school uniform at school which is available for anyone who would like to access it. If any family has a specific problem with getting hold of school uniform, please contact your child’s Form Tutor in the first instance.

Jewellery is limited to one pair of small stud earrings and one ring. Students are allowed to wear a nose stud but please note that this has to be a stud and not a sleeper style or any other style.

Any headwear, worn for religious reasons, should be of a plain black material. Extreme hairstyles are not acceptable and hair should be of a natural colour.

Students should come to school equipped to learn with an appropriate school bag. They need a pencil case and basic equipment, including their own pen. If students have any issues, they are encouraged to inform their Form Tutor who will support accordingly. Items that are potentially harmful to any member of our school community should not be brought to school. For example, aerosol cans including deodorants, cigarettes (e-cigarettes), matches and lighters, any sharp or blade like objects, glass bottles, chewing gum and fizzy drinks, including energy drinks. This rule includes all items which are illegal to possess or carry, or inappropriate for the age of your child.


Mobile Phones

We do not allow the use of mobile phones anywhere in school, including outside during break and lunchtime.  This means that, from the time that students enter the building until they leave, they are not allowed to be seen with a mobile phone. This includes wearing air pods or headphones which are also not allowed.

If they wish to bring a phone to school, it must be switched off and kept in their bag. It is really important that all students have a school bag with them so that they can securely store their mobile phone along with their other equipment during the day.

If students are seen with their mobile phone out, whether they are using them or not, it will need to be handed in for them to collect at the end of the day. If this happens frequently then an alternative plan will need to be put in place.

Not allowing mobile phones in school has had an overwhelmingly positive impact, especially at break and lunchtime. Research has clearly identified the potential harm too much screen time including phones can do. If any student needs to make an emergency call, they can go to Pastoral Support who will help.


As a school we have adopted the Newport policy of zero tolerance of smoking on or around the school site. Please note this includes e-cigarettes (vapes) and carries a £100 fine for anyone breaking these rules.

Start of the school day

School starts each day promptly at 8:45 am for Form time. This is a vital start to the school day during which important information is shared, such as details of events, changes to school systems and information about exams. Form Tutors should always be a first point of contact for students if they have any queries.

I am really pleased that attendance at form and punctuality has really improved in the first two weeks of term. I hope this will continue throughout the rest of the term.


Inset days and Term dates – 2023/2024

The remaining INSET days (when school is closed to students for staff training) for this year are as follows;

  • Monday 25th November 2024
  • Friday 7th March 2024
  • Friday 27th June 2024
  • Monday 30th June 2024
  • Monday 21st July 2024


We break up for October half-term on Friday 25th October and return to school on Monday 4th November. We then finish for the Christmas holidays on Friday 20th December and return for the start of the Spring term on Monday 6th January 2025.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your support.

With kind regards

Mrs Lee